2023 was a year of Guild education activities returning to a pre-pandemic normality. Despite the previously stated intention of the Education Committee to encourage districts to run more basic courses (up to Plain Bob Doubles and Grandsire Doubles), leaving the Guild to focus on more advanced courses, the decision was again made to refocus on the basics as towers continue to settle after COVID restrictions and to cater for the new intake of ringers after the Ring for the King initiative. This again proved to be a popular approach, with 2 courses run for plain hunting, and one course for Plain Bob Doubles and Minor. We also ran a course for Treble Bob and Kent/Oxford, again well attended. As previously, we attempted to run courses in different parts of the Guild so that everyone had an opportunity to attend a course that was reasonably close to their own tower. We also re-introduced the Holy Week theory course, which in 2023 looked at starting calling and basic conducting

As we move into 2024 we are seeing far more basic training being run at district level, with regular monthly practices in some districts focussing on bell handling skills, call changes and early method ringing. Recognising this, 2024 courses will focus on development of teachers, listening skills and basic calling and conducting. We will also be running two on-line courses during Holy Week, one on teaching next steps (rounds to Plain Bob Doubles), and one of raising and lowering, to be followed up with a practical session a few weeks later.

The Education Committee is always looking for additional members, at all levels of ringing ability. We are pleased to welcome Fiona Sayers to the committee. A lot of what is needed is input into discussions to help identify training needs, and to consider different ways to satisfy those needs. We welcome representatives of districts who are now joining us, and are indebted to the additional support during the year from Martin Barnes, Nici Collins and Richard Paxford, but always need more interested people. If you are interested in joining us, please get in touch.

Financially, our 2023 end-of-year figure remains very healthy. The Committee remains in a position to continue to operate without any additional call on Guild funds. This is, at least in part, due to some great negotiation by Judy over costs of hiring halls for courses.

Andy Ingram

Education Committee Accounts at 31/12/23
Balance b/f875.96Labels10.56
Course fees923.00Refreshments88.55
Hire of Halls227.25
Tower donations420.00
Balance c/f1,052.60


Judy Sparling